
Showing posts from August, 2024

SERMON: “Triune Salvation” (Titus 3:3–7)

“ Triune Salvation” ( Titus 3:3–7) Series:               “Titus: Godly People, Godly Church,” #15       Text:                 Titus 3:3–7 By:                    Shaun Marksbury                                     Date:                August 25, 2024 Venue:              Living Water Baptist Church                         Occasion:             PM Service   I.               Introduction Even as Christians, we need constant reminders in our lives about the gospel message.   For instance, I was just listening to a podcast about encouraging parents, and they were speaking about how common it is to see early professions of faith.   However, sometimes, that 8-year-old with bright eyes grows into a moody 15-year-old who says she doesn’t believe anymore.   That’s not necessarily the fault of the parents, as salvation is a work of God; yet, we don’t want to think of a profession of faith as a box to be checked and never revisited. We see this with adults in churches, a

Serious Concern for Colorado Public Schools

At this point, Christians should see public schools as an option of last resort. As Christians, we must navigate the world with discernment, particularly when it comes to educating our children.  In today's cultural climate, we must consider public schooling to be an option of last resort.  This isn't to say that Christians should mandate one form of schooling—whether homeschooling, public schooling, or private schooling—for every family. Scripture does not require us to create such a law, and many parents simply do not have the luxury of choice due to various constraints. That said, churches should do what we can to give parents more choices.  For example, our church hosts a Classical Conversations co-op, we have a youth after-school program for public school students, and we're exploring ways to provide more educational opportunities in the future.  My family has long-chosen to homeschool, and our experience has only reinforced our concerns about public education, especia

SERMON: “The World Will Hate Us” (John 15:18–25)

“ The World Will Hate Us” ( John 15:18–25) Series:               “John: Life in Christ’s Name”           Text:                 John 15:18–25 By:                    Shaun Marksbury                         Date:                August 4, 2024 Venue:              Living Water Baptist Church             Occasion:             AM Service   I.               Introduction We live in a world that often promotes tolerance, acceptance, and inclusivity as its highest virtues.   Yet, as followers of Christ, we find that the world does not want to apply these virtues to us.   While we are called to love our neighbors, serve others, and be a light in the world, we can sometimes find that this does not win us positive responses.   In many places in the world, Christians are often persecuted, and here, we find that people purposefully twist our words and intentions. – This is a reality of which Jesus Himself warned us.   He told us that the world won’t meet us with open arms. In