Cleansing the Temple and His People | Mark 11:15–19

After cursing the fig tree (vv. 12–14), Jesus and His disciples return to Jerusalem and the temple. Jesus had already investigated the temple the previous night (v. 11), so He knew what the issues were. It was full of corruption and lacking in what was needed. As such, He takes possession and occupies it for a time, providing what the people needed. The Lord’s temple is to be pure. Almost like a flea market, merchants had tables offering animals, oil, wine, salt, and other items. Moreover, moneychangers exchanged foreign currencies to the acceptable coinage, charging as much as a 10–12% convenience fee. Additionally, locals carried their wares through the courtyard of the temple as a shortcut to other parts of the city. With the high priests bringing in a tidy profit on this commerce and the poor being fleeced, we can understand why Jesus overturned tables. He demands purity in His temple! The Lord’s temple is to be p...