SERMON: Old Testament Overview, Part 1: Introductions

Old Testament Overview: A Twelve Week Trek through the Text Part 1 - Introductions. This Session: Introducing Bible Study Introducing the Bible Introducing the Torah I. Introduction to Bible Study Bible study starts with reading it. The best way to know the Bible is to read it through, right-to-left! Not random verses! Not here a little, there a little! Studying the bible includes: Observation, Interpretation, Application (O-I-A Method) Start by reading and noting what the text says in context After all the observations, identify what it means Then move to application! OBSERVATION Observe what’s there! Bible books: Book as a whole Divisions Sections Segments [chapters] Paragraphs Sentences [verses] Clauses Phrases Words Interpretation comes after observation. (“Elementary.”) Good interpretation is based on the Historical-Grammatical Method. That’s considering the history and the grammar of the text. We con...