What distinguishes Dispensational Premillennialism?

 According to one popular Baptist resource, we read,

Dispensational premillennialism can be identified through two basic features: (1) a distinction is made between God’s program for Israel and His program for the church; (2) a consistently literal interpretation of the Scriptures is maintained. Dispensational premillennialists believe that the church will be raptured (1 Thess. 4:13–18) prior to the Tribulation period; God will judge unbelieving Gentiles and disobedient Israel during the Tribulation (Rev. 6–19). At the end of the Tribulation Christ will return with the church and establish the millennial kingdom on earth. Following the thousand-year reign, Satan will be freed once more, whereupon he and his followers will be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:7–10). The eternal state will follow.

 - Paul P. Enns, The Moody Handbook of Theology (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1989), 389.

This is an interesting definition because of how it boils down these features.  

I want you to note that, with #1, note that there is a distinction of programs, not peoples.  It is not necessary for one to believe that, for instance, the Old Testament saints are the bride of Jehovah, while the New Testament saints are the bride of Christ.  This odd presentation divides the people of God (not to mention, damages the doctrine of the Trinity!) and fails to understand the true difference in administrations or dispensations.

Of course, #2 is the reason to believe what the vast majority of the early church believed.  The consistent reading of Scripture, the reading that would understand the prophecies of the coming Messiah, predicts the coming time of judgment followed by the rule of Messiah.  Those who wish to deny dispensational premillennialism embrace another hermeneutical approach when dealing with these eschatological prophecies.  

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