2 Bad Books which Illustrate Opposing Errors

I found these books while cleaning up, and I recommend neither of them.  Still, they illustrate perhaps equal and opposite errors.

The first book is The Psychology of Counseling: professional techniques for pastors, teachers, youth leaders, and all who are engaged in the incomparable art of counseling by Clyde Narramore.  I've marked this book bad theology because the author helped craft the Christian psychology movement and believes a degree in psychology is necessary for counseling. He said so during an interview on the 700 Club where he was asked about Jay Adams. We believe, rather, that scripture is sufficient for all life and godliness, and much of the disease model of the mind is either exaggerated or insufficiently addresses the root causes of problems.  This places far too much faith in the methods of man. 

(If you need biblical counseling and you are not in our church, I recommend visiting the website for the Association of Biblical Counselors, https://biblicalcounseling.com/.)

The second book is Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease: powerful answers to your questions about healing and disease prevention by Henry W. Wright.  This contrast helps to clarify what I said before: We do not believe that Scripture promises all healing in this life. Where there is true biological disease, the Lord may providentially help us in regards to our natural immunity or through the successful use of medicine, as He wills.  However, sin is not always the cause of disease any more than faith can always lead to healing; good biblical counseling may help to arrive at which case this may be.   We want to affirm what Scripture says and not go beyond that.

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