SERMON: “Enduring Trials” (James 1:9–12)

Enduring Trials” (James 1:9–12)

Series:               “James: True Faith Works” #4                    Text:                 James 1:9–12

By:                    Shaun Marksbury                                     Date:                October 20, 2024

Venue:              Living Water Baptist Church                        Occasion:             PM Service


I.              Introduction

Sometimes, the trials we face in life aren’t just the result of outside forces — sometimes, we bring them on ourselves.  I recently read about a thief who decided to rob a store, but in his rush to flee the scene, he ran straight into a glass door!  Stunned and confused, he tried again — only to bounce off the same glass door!  The police didn’t have much trouble arresting him after that.  His own actions trapped him, and his lack of awareness made his bad situation worse.

Now, we know that Satan can tempt us, and the world is full of snares that lead us into trials.  But, if we’re honest, we sometimes create our own trials through our choices, actions, and attitudes.  And a lot of the time, it comes down to thinking wrongly about ourselves.

Maybe we ignore the resources God has already given us and feel stuck in our circumstances, thinking there’s no way out.  Or, on the other hand, we might think too highly of ourselves, believing we’re above the trials or that we don’t need God’s help to get through them.  This kind of thinking keeps us from moving forward in life and, more importantly, in faith.

This is precisely the kind of issue James addresses in this passage.  As we saw earlier in James 1:2, heavenly wisdom allows us to consider trials as a source of joy, knowing they produce spiritual growth.  The problem, whether we’re rich or poor, is that how we think about ourselves can either lead us through trials or cause us to stumble in them.

The question for us, then, is how we move from the burden of trials to the blessing of endurance.  We’ll note today that we can endure trials when we think properly about ourselves, properly about our lives, and properly about the trials themselves.  Let’s look at the first of these.

II.           We Can Endure Trials when We Think Properly about Ourselves
(vv. 9–10)

But the brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position; and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away.

James begins by addressing two types of people who are in the church: the poor brother and the rich brother.  He challenges both individuals to think differently, using a bit of irony.  Both parties are to rejoice in the work God is doing in their lives through trials, but for different reasons.

Let’s begin with the poor of v. 9, which is what it means to be of “humble circumstances.”  This is the brother James knows of who may be poor due to the persecution.  But there are many reasons a person might be poor. 

We can think about the trials which come because of a lack of financial resources.  Sometimes, choices need to be made between food and shelter, medicine and bills.  The world would look at this and conclude the solution is more money — a charity may offer to pay some bill or give from a food pantry, while some self-help advocate would encourage a poor person to earn more money through better work.  Such solutions might have their place.

Yet, Scripture calls the poor brother to think differently through his circumstances.  The NASB says here he should “glory,” while the LSB has, “boast.”  There’s obvious word-play, as well; the one low-to-the-ground should rejoice or boast in his height.  Scripture calls the poor brother to remember and even boast in his exalted spiritual position in Christ.  The Lord reminds us in Romans 8:17–18 that we are “heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ.”  The sufferings of this life are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed.  Though this individual may lack material wealth, his true treasure is in heaven.  

James then moves on to the brother on the other side: “and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation.”  James is clear here that he’s referencing the rich.  He doesn’t specify whether the rich man is a believer or not, but it is possible for a rich to become a Christian with the help of the Lord.  It is impossible for every man to become a Christian; with God, all things are possible (Matt. 19:23–26).  And there are trials that are specific to those who are wealthy.

Now, if you have a Message Bible, I’m sorry, but you have a poor translation.  It’s not even a translation; it’s a paraphrase.  It renders this, “And when the arrogant rich are brought down to size, cheer!” That’s not a  Christian attitude, even if we’re dealing with someone outside the church, and this might be a Christian brother!

So, let’s consider this a different way.  For the rich, trials should remind them of their mortality and the temporary nature of their wealth.  James says that they should glory in their humiliation, which is another word play.  The rich man must remember that, despite his wealth, he is still entirely dependent on God’s grace.  As Proverbs 27:24 says, “Riches are not forever,” and Paul reflects this attitude in Philippians 3:7–8: “But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.”  The wealthy man should remember that he is as lowly as the poor man, lest his pride cause him to think more highly than he ought to think — we must all think with sober judgment (Rom. 12:3).

He must recognize that earthly riches will fade away, just like the grass withers and its flower falls off.  With this simple simile, James compares the life of a man to the brevity of a flower in the field.  Though a wealthy man, like Solomon, may seek to array himself as one of the lilies (and fall short, cf. Luke 12:27), he can hold prestige for only so long.  Just as the poor man cannot lose the hope of eternity, the rich man cannot lose a sense of his own mortality and sinfulness.  

Whether rich or poor, trials are a means by which God keeps us grounded.  They remind us of our need for Him and our eternal hope in Christ.  They change the way we think about our lives, bringing us to the next point:

III.        We Can Endure Trials when We Think Properly about Our Lives
(v. 11)

For the sun rises with a scorching wind and withers the grass; and its flower falls off and the beauty of its appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away.

James paints a vivid picture of the brevity of life, comparing it to the fading of a flower.  He alludes to Isaiah 40:6–8, which reminds us that “the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” Here, however, we’re not reminded of Scripture but of the brevity of life.

The sun arises in its season with scorching heat.  Sometimes, wind becomes involved, such as the dry east wind that blew down Job's house (Job 1:19).  The sun is responsible for heating air masses and thus, generating wind.  The peoples of the New Testament times knew how to read the meteorological signs to predict weather patterns (though they could not judge their own spiritual climate, Luke 12:54–56).

The Lord is like a consuming fire, and we all can experience a withering like the grass (Psa. 102:11).  This comparison illustrates how fleeting life is, especially for those who place their hope in material possessions.  In the same way that the beauty of a flower fades under the scorching sun, so too will all earthly riches and pursuits come to an end.  Now, this is directed at the rich man, so that he can know wealth won’t protect him from the inevitable decline and eventual death that all people face.  Poor people need to know that, too, lest they covet for riches as the answer to their problems.

We all need to adjust our thinking about ourselves.  We will only harm ourselves by thinking too highly of ourselves, or by ignoring our resources in Christ.  God has given us a short time upon this earth, and we should make the most of it for His glory.

Sometimes, though, we forget this.  As such, the Lord allows testing and tribulation in our lives.  When that happens, we must think properly about it, so let’s consider that next.

IV.        We Can Endure Trials when We Think Properly about Our Trials
(v. 12)

Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

Regardless of the reason they come (sin, Satan, the world), we all will endure trials.  It’s a part of life.  Job 14:1 says, “Man, who is born of woman, is short-lived and full of turmoil.”  It doesn't matter if you are a Christian; nobody experiences life as a bed of roses.  We all face hardships.

Yet,, James concludes this section with a promise: “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” This beatitude echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:3–11, where He pronounces blessings on those who endure suffering for the sake of righteousness.  We are blessed for suffering for the sake of righteousness (1 Pet. 3:14).  James will also repeat this thought in James 5:11.

What does it mean to be “blessed?”  One study notes, “In this context, ‘blessed’ describes an attitude of determined courage that is unaffected by external circumstances.”[1]  The word “blessed,” then, does not merely describe a future reward but an inner state of joy and contentment that comes from knowing that one's faith is genuine.  

The trials we face serve to test and prove our faith.  It is much like how gold is refined by fire (1 Peter 1:6–7). This perseverance is evidence of the saving faith that endures to the end.  It is closely related to the doctrine of eternal security, where the believer is kept by the power of God through faith (1 Peter 1:5).  We believe intellectually in the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, but it’s through trials that we see our faith somehow persevering.  That is where we begin to experience an abiding blessedness of the soul, believing that our faith can withstand anything because God is protecting it!

The trial becomes a testing ground for proving the genuineness of faith. Unlike the first three “faiths” in the parable of the four soils, this faith proves to be rooted and lasting.  It withstands the cold, the heat, the wind, and the world, passing the test and abiding.

The Lord gives us this kind of faith.  And, when it is evident in our lives, we are promised here the “crown of life.”  This is not a crown like we might see on the head of a medieval king; rather, this is a victor’s wreath that a runner would receive in the ancient world for winning a race.  Unlike those, however, we will receive an imperishable wreath or crown (1 Cor 9:25).

Of course, this symbolizes eternal life itself, which is why it’s called the “crown of life.”  To be clear: God does not grant this reward because we earn salvation by enduring trials and tribulations.  Instead, it is the proof of genuine faith which evidences itself through trials; it’s proof of the kind of faith that only God can give.  

V.           Conclusion

In the end, trials serve as both a humbling and refining process for believers.  Whether we are rich or poor, God tests and strengthens our faith through challenges He allows us to face.  As James reminds us, life is brief, and all earthly pursuits will fade away.  But for those who endure, God promises eternal life — a crown of life that will never fade.

As we consider the trials we face, let us fix our eyes on Christ, the one who “endured the cross, despising the shame” (Hebrews 12:2).  He is our example and our source of strength.  By His grace, we can endure every trial, knowing that there is a greater glory awaiting us.

[1] John D. Barry, Douglas Mangum, Derek R. Brown, Michael S. Heiser, Miles Custis, Elliot Ritzema, Matthew M. Whitehead, Michael R. Grigoni, and David Bomar, Faithlife Study Bible, (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Jas 1:12.

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